Friday, August 3, 2018

Girl Stop!

IT never ceases to amaze me how our minds will take us back to what we THINK we can fix so we play over and over again in our heads a strategy.  A strategy that makes illogical things logical; therefore we just know it will all work out this time.  That whole insanity definition of continuing to do the same things and expecting a different result applies right here! Your expectation is not that of another. We want so badly to fix things that don't involve us AT ALL!! GIRL STOP!

You can not make someone do what they do NOT want to do.  It just won't happen.  We will sure try to make it happen because that's what we do.  We believe in things happening decent and in order when we ALL know the shit is dysfunctional and ain't nothing functional about it.  Yet we will justify, lie, cheat and steal to prove our point of it was/is all working.  In our tiny world and inkling of thought at the moment . .we desperately want things to work out for the good . .everyone's good.  GIRL STOP!

In my Lauren Hill voice "it ain't working".  The same energy we manifested into the facade of things are working out for everyone is the same energy we have to put into walking away and healing ourselves.  You can not walk into a burning building and not expect to be at least scorched.  Every time you think "oh yea that's it . .here we go" that's the very moment you must redirect your thought process to GIRL STOP!  Do you honestly think when David walked out the Lion's Den he was saying "oh let me go back in here since I was delivered untouched".  UMMM . .GIRL STOP!

Not only have we been touched .. we have been taunted, shamed, emotionally and mentally been abused.  In some cases physically abused.  There are many many attempts to leave an abusive relationship and when that one moment of clarity with freedom attached to it happens .. no matter what form of abuse . .YOU GO!  Don't run back for fear of turning into a pillar of salt like Lot's wife.  If it's meant for you to have it . .YOU WILL!  You can't force what doesn't fit.  I don't care how you shave it down . .tie it up . .push pull and prod . .GIRL STOP!

There has to be reciprocity and if there isn't . .we have to do it for ourselves.  Take care of you first and the rest will fall into place.  Don't allow other people, places, things and circumstances to define your happy!  GIRL STOP!


With Love,

LR WILSON, Founder
FB: Channeling Tequila Page
IG:  @channelingtequila

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