Friday, July 27, 2018

Doormats & Dishrags

Most of us have either owned a doormat or at least heard of a doormat.  It's a pretty simple gadget that's placed by the doorway and you wipe your feet as you enter and as you leave.  If you live in MN, that doormat can get pretty nasty from all the snow and slush day in and day out in the winter months.  If you live in a place where there is alot of sand or dirt, again the doormat can get pretty nasty from the continuous build up of dirt.  In the Urban Dictionary, a doormat is defined as "somebody who is always walked over."  We have all known someone who is deemed a doormat.  Hell it might just be you!  Or even me!  There comes a time when that "kill them with kindness" cliche' has to be set by the wayside.  People will use you until the breath is sucked out!  They will doormat the hell out of you if you allow it.  Now, let's just be honest here we will not always know we are a doormat; but guess what?  The person walking all over you and wiping the shit from the bottom of their shoes on you . .know exactly what you are. Some may even be guilty in the aspect of being that person who walked all over someone.  If that's you, STOP IT!  Let me tell you why you should STOP IT.  You reap what you sow.  Karma is one bad bitch and if you are in the business of using people, walking over them, treating them as your inferior . . STOP IT! There is no time like the present to change your ways.  You may think you're getting even, coming up or someone owes you something because of your situation but at the end of the day you come out with close to nothing or with nothing at all.  Is your worth that low that you feel the need to do people wrong?  Give them false hope?  Use them for whatever until you get what you want?  Do right by people.  It's really not that hard!

Moving right along to dishrags!  I would hope that we all know what a dishrag is; but just in case you don't . .us Southern people call the towel that we wash dishes with . .a dishrag.  Ok see I was going to talk about the Urban Dictionary definition . .but uh . .we will just keep moving forward.  Look that up on your own . .LOL!  As far as this discussion goes, I'm going to talk about how after we wash the dishes, we wring out all the water.  In the South, the vernacular is "wrung out".  One thing for certain and for sure, you can not adequately dry dishes with a wet dishrag.  Why is that you ask?  Well it's quite simple .. the dishes will still be wet.  You have to wring all the water out of the dishrag in order to achieve the goal of drying the dishes.  It's the same thing when you're dealing with toxic people in your life.  As long as you allow them to keep rubbing their toxins on you or your life, you will never be able to move forward into your destiny.  You have to hold on tight, twist and turn that relationship . .whatever it may be . .in order to wring the toxins out.  I remember trying to do this in my last relationship.  Lord I tell you I tried to wring the life out of the toxicity that was intertwined and it just didn't happen.  I tried holding on to something that was no longer there as long as I could. I wanted it to be fixed so badly, but the reality was me wanting it wasn't enough.  Now, the other party might beg to differ due to the circumstances that evolved; however that's none of my business.  I can only elaborate on what I know I was doing. The only thing I did was invite more toxins into my life.  I was literally fighting against demons in order to keep my sanity and wring out my dishrag.  I finally came to terms after much begging . .I am not ashamed to say because it's my testimony . . this dishrag was no longer usable.  When you don't properly clean a dishrag . .with bleach might I add . .I'm from the South . .it will begin to stank. YES stank . .not stink.  It begins to acquire a slimy film over it and the pungent odor is too much.  Welp . .once that happens . .there's no wringing out . .it goes straight into the trashcan.  That's exactly what happened to my relationship.  The slimy, pungent film began to take over the dishrag and we all know how that ended.  Now if you don't know. . I need you to start from the beginning of my blog writing in December 2017 . . that should get you up to speed!

I will end this with two very important things. . if you get nothing else from this week's blog . .get this . .Do right by people AND Love yourself more than anything else.  IF you can do those two very important things, you will live a blessed, healthy, stress free, carefree and loving life.  You are definitely on the way to #findYOURhappy!

With Love

LR Wilson, Founder
IG: @channelingtequila
FB:  Channeling Tequila

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Thank you for reading every week.  I am truly BLESSED!

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