Friday, November 30, 2018

The Lying Truth

In this day and age there should be no grown men and women lying. Yea I just put it out there. There is no such thing as a white lie, a little lie or lying by omission. I'm here to tell you, it's all a LIE! Now let me make this PERFECTLY clear, I have lied in my lifetime. I did not stumble upon this nugget of truth until I was older and more mature.

There are times when you will need to lie. But are there? Some people lie out of protection. They are protecting something or someone. Now that I know better, how about I just not talk about this part because the reality is if I'm keeping someone safe, I will be lying just in case this confused you.'s not right, but if it came to life or death being thrown in my hands to prevent it, although I'm not in control of life or death, I will be choosing life.

I'll never forget when being questioned about my infidelity I really thought it was a trick question. Although it had been long gone and over with two years before and I chose to divulge the information, I was confused. Here's the confusion! The question was "so why did you lie?" (Insert blank stare) My responding question was "what are you talking about?" I was really confused. "Why did you lie?" was repeated. I then said "because that's what people do when you're trying to hide something." That was the Lying Truth. At that moment I realized I no longer had to lie. I had to literally open my mouth and say that! The weight that was lifted off my soul! Once I said that, the feeling is something I can not even explain. I felt PURE FREEDOM!

I thought by getting everything out and in the open we could repair, restore and reunite our marriage. Well I'm here to tell you once again....that did NOT happen! As a matter of fact things got worse and we were not even together. I found out other truths and lies that I wasn't involved in. Although painful, it needed to happen so we both could own our truths. I can only speak for myself and I know that mine are owned.

The Lying Truth is something very powerful. If you can get to a point in your life where you don't have to lie...being your true self in every truth of your have arrived to TRUE FREEDOM! You don't have to be mean or do things out of malice, but you do have to be honest with yourself before you can be with anyone else. Yes, it is a process and one that continually evolves. You will continually be tested. Choose what's just and right. Be the Lying Truth!


With Love
LR Wilson, Founder

FB Page: Channeling Tequila
IG: @channelingtequila

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