Saturday, March 9, 2019

What's Really Going On?

Has there ever been a time when you questioned what you were doing? Why you were doing something? What's your purpose for doing that something? Well if you haven't, wonderful! You are indeed unique! Not too long ago I questioned pretty much everything in my life. Sometimes I just have to step back and check in for myself.

This morning as I was walking around, I glanced on the fireplace mantel and saw my Masters Degree. I smiled! Then I read "Graduation with Distinction". For some reason I don't remember reading that at all when I received it. It's been almost five years since I received my graduate degree and although I have a day time job that is very fulfilling, I feel like I need more or need to do more! Anyone who knows me, truly know me, already is aware of how hard I go. So for me to feel like I need more or need to do more is probably insane on my part!

That brings me back to questioning what am I doing? Am I doing enough for not only others but for myself? I am longing for something; however I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Well financial freedom for one is a big thing for me and the more I do...the less I feel like I'm reaching that goal. Yes, things take time I understand that. At the same time I feel I'm behind on what is to be. I will be the first to tell you to live in the moment. I often do that! This moment, feels very different.

What's different? Other than the official paperwork for my divorce that happened...I'm not quite sure. Things I want aren't necessarily the things I need, yet as we all know that's how it goes! *Insert Spice Girls "give me what I want..what I really really want"! Each and every day I am responsible for the lives of others. On top of being responsible for my own life! That's alot of pressure for anybody but hey...make it happen!

Once I figure out what I'm missing....I shall be sure to let you all know! Hell if you figure out what I'm missing...please feel free to let me know! With all things I say to you #findyourhappy!

With Love,

LR Wilson, Founder

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