Saturday, February 9, 2019

Why Knot Love?

When you've gone through what I endured during my marriage, you tend to not want to love ever again. Obviously we had some wonderful times through the years before and after we were married. The only issue is that those times are the ones we tend to forget about and focus on what happened. I mean if you can actually pinpoint "When the Yoke Broke", that would be great! That's a plug for a previous blog post that somebody need to see! So you're welcome!

Sorry I got sidetracked as I often do when my mind is on 1000 things at once. So back to me being afraid to love again. I want to love again, I think but at the same time my wall is higher than the Great Wall of China right now. I can't even envision myself giving my all to another relationship because of the fear of repetition. I'm worthy of giving and receiving love; yet I'm skeptical of both.

I'm here to tell y'all that this whole single thing is new and fun. You're bound to catch feelings thrown your way at some juncture, I'm sure. The question is will I be ready?? Most of the guys I've encountered say "you're like nobody I've ever met before"; "what is it about you?"; "why are you single?" and my favorite one is "why wouldn't he want steak?". Then I got to thinking about all of those questions. Let's break these down!

1. You're like nobody I've ever met before. This prompted me to examine well damn who am I? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I figured it's an amazing thing because I'm unique.

2. What is it about you? Oh I know what it is...I'm real and don't play games. I tell you exactly what I want and where I stand. If you don't like it...move around. I'm no longer silent or biting my tongue to avoid an unnecessary argument.

3. Why are you single? Because I'm divorced due to infidelity on my part is what I was told and I'm only at liberty to own only my truth. Then I give the rundown of how it all went down. Crazy thing is they still want to stay. Meh...ok

4. Why wouldn't he want steak? Now that I have no clue about because I am Grade A! Lol

When I love I love hard which is a blessing and a curse. I can't really take another chance of missed reciprocity. I want to receive the same love that I'm putting out. Once I care about you, it's all in for me. Once I don't care about you, it's a wrap for me. Some people will always be apart of your life no matter what. That's exactly where me and my exhusband are currently. We were together since I was 17 so I would hope people understand where I'm coming from. If not...well! I will more than likely always have love for him.

Now let me make this perfectly clear....we are divorced and I'm good with that....finally! All I know is once whoever he is breaks down the Great Wall of LR WILSON, he will have earned that spot in my heart. I'm not looking and I'm not in a hurry. I will be found...that's a promise!

Proverbs 18:22 The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD. NLT

Believe in yourself. Love yourself. Be yourself.


With Love,

LR Wilson, Founder

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