Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Best is Yet to Come!

The Best is Yet to that a cliche or do we truly believe that The Best is Yet to Come? Day in and day out each of us are striving to get to that place of "best". What exactly does it mean? Some feel that the best is in a relationship. Some feel the best is in their occupation. Some even feel that the best is in their family dynamics. Really...what are we striving for?

If you've never thought about this...the time has come. I mean I'm glad to be the one to bring this to you...but errrrr we all need answers to this question. Are we ever truly at our best? As a human race we are continually trying to be bigger, better, for lack of a better our best. When we think of all the work we do day in and day out are we achieving that goal of being the best? Is it even a goal??

I have my hands in multiple genres trying to find my niche and be the best at it so that my family will not have to want for anything. The reality is we will always want more but the need isn't there. There is a difference between wanting and needing. We need nothing yet we want lots of things. I'm working on simplicity in my life. The simple things make me happy. Spending time with my family, friends and ALONE even make me feel like I'm at my best.

I am continually learning how to be not in a romantic relationship...(grammatical suicide)...yet I long for it because that's what I'm use to. I'm a relationship girl ya know! I can roll with the best of the singles out here living my life and shit...but at the end of the day...coming home to a significant other is my thing. Welp...according to all those Facebook "your future holds" quizzes...I'll be engaged and/or married in no time....Lol!

I said all that to say The Best is Yet to Come! Stay focused...Stay patient...Stay true to yourself. Not everyone will support you...and that's ok. When it's your's your time because The Best is Yet to Come!


With Love


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