Friday, January 12, 2018


RAH RAH SIS BOOM BAH!  RAH RAH SIS BOOM BAH!! I remember the days when I was a cheerleader in high school!! Yes . .I was an actual cheerleader.  I know it's hard to believe but all this SHINY STAR ATTITUDE has been around for quite some time!!  What I remember MOST of all is when I almost WASN'T a cheerleader!  YES!! IKR . . who would deny ME from cheering people on!!??  Well let me just tell you . . my Jr High cheerleading coach/PE teacher.  I will keep her name out of this so no one has hard feelings lol!  See what had happen was . . I was BAD AS HELL and was always fighting. Didn't even care . . fought girls, boys, families . .literally did NOT care! I wanted to try out for cheerleading and she said that if I didn't act like a lady, stop fighting and clean my act up she would NOT ALLOW ME . .YES ME . .to try out! LAWDDDD you talk about some decision making that needed to happen . . HAHAHA!

I never was one to start a fight; however I had NO PROBLEM ending it!  My mom was so tired of coming up to the school for this or that.  My mouth though?  Now that was yet a different story.  I did NOT stand for any injustices..even back then!  GO FIGURE I am now a Probation Officer . .LOL!  No one saw this one coming I'm sure 😜😉!  I would call out teachers, students, hell even the principal.  My mom would say "Why can't you just be quiet, sit down and do your work?"  I mean . .that sounded ideal for someone without my mouth . . but hey God gave me this mouth for a reason.  She was NOT trying to hear all that.  I don't care how many whoopings I got . .punishments didn't even matter; hell I still did what I wanted to do!  I mean a whooping would end eventually . .by the time she caught me anyway I was so out of breath I didn't even care anymore.  Just get it over with.  With a punishment . .all my friends knew I would be on punishment after each encounter so I mean I never missed out on anything because we would just postpone any fun arrangements LOL! 

RAH RAH SIS BOOM BAH!  Looking back as I am now older and wiser  . .that cheerleading coach was cheering for me.  My mom was cheering for me.  My friends were cheering for me.  I was cheering for me and didn't even know it!  The people that have your back continuously through thick and thin are the ones that are cheering for us!  They are cheering for us so that we can meet our full potential and beyond!! 

What I am about to say may come as a surprise to many of you; so let's just rip that band aid off!  Brace yourself for the sting of hair follicles being stripped from your core because here it is . . .everybody cheering is not cheering FOR YOU but AGAINST YOU!  Everybody you THOUGHT would catch you when you did that scissor flip in the air moved a little to the left because seeing you face plant the pavement was a bit more satisfying to them than catching you in the basket below.  Now I was always a base because let's face it . .no human basket can hold all this right here . .not even back then!  STOP . .WE DIGRESSED . .let's move forward . .LOL!  As I was saying, there will be those who you THOUGHT would have your back but they don't and/or didn't when you needed them the most.  It could be family, friends, co-workers, supervisors . .I mean anyone you placed your faith in to CHEER YOU ON and they didn't like you thought they should or would was quite frankly cheering against you.  Now listen, sometimes we need to be cheered AGAINST because we are just out there foul and need some REAL direction.  What I am talking about is cheering against your SUCCESS.  That's the real issue here!

We have to make sure that when we are striving to do better and be better, we have cheerleaders in our corner cheering us ON TO VICTORY!  Standing by us in hard times and being there for us when/if we face plant on our own.  NOT CAUSING us to face plant.  I can only speak for myself when I say I spend a lot of time trying to right my wrongs and to do what's right IN SPITE OF what people say, think or feel because at the end of the day I am MY OWN cheerleader and I know that I will NEVER NOT HAVE MY OWN BACK!  We can not allow other people to be in charge of our happiness.  They will fail us EVERY SINGLE TIME!  Even if we don't KNOW exactly what OUR HAPPY is, we do have an inkling that we are not acknowledging.  GO BACK . .MAKE A LIST . .TAKE ACTION!  RAH RAH SIS BOOM BAH YOURSELF!!  One of my all time favorite songs is ENCOURAGE YOURSELF by Donald Lawrence and the TriCity Singers.  Here's a link . .

Whenever you are down in your feelings, down in your happy . .JUST KNOW THAT you are your #1 CHEERLEADER!!  If you're not on the field or the court . . NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!  RAH RAH SIS BOOM BAH!!  #findyourhappy

With Love
LR Wilson, Founder
FB: Channeling Tequila
IG: @channelingtequila
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