Friday, March 30, 2018


Many people know what V.I.P. stands for . .Very Important People . . in the everyday common world.  According to this blog V.I.P. stands for something totally different an authentic!  Victorious Inspiring Prosperous is the unique meaning of V.I.P.  Often times we think that we are the only ones going through things when in reality there are others going through or have been through the same things we are in our lives.  I recall feeling like I was going through a relationship demise and depression all by myself.  Obviously there have been and there will continue to be those in the same situation; however in the moment I was not thinking that. 

I remember crying to my mom . .via text of course . .because why would I talk to her on the phone and I'm crying LOL!?? My mom is the kind of mom that will not get in your business, but at the same time is in your business because she wants what's best for you and for you to be happy.  Hopefully that makes sense because me typing it out looks weird as hell . .lol!  So I told her everything that was going on . . once I felt like it . .of course.  After the various messages back and forth . .she says well whatever you decide to do I support your decision and I love you.  That of course meant the world to me because I had no damn clue what I was going to do!!  In that moment I felt Victorious Inspiring Prosperous (V.I.P) because I had someone on "my side" to help me through things.  When I say "my side" I don't mean to justify or ok my behaviors but on "my side" to support me in my time of being distraught.

Then I text my dad.  He says to me "it's life and life happens so what are WE going to do about this?"  Again . .I felt Victorious Inspiring Prosperous because he asked what "we" would do about this because he wanted to help his little girl get through whatever it was I was going through.  Another ally to tell me that I would be supported which is what I needed at the time.  Not someone to condone my behavior . .not someone to cheerlead me to a decision .. but someone who would be there for me in my time of need.

During this difficult time, I cut alot of people off.  I felt like it was the best thing to do because I was going through my own drama and dealing with my own demons.  I had NO TIME to entertain someone else's issues because I was not in a good place mentally, emotionally and barley spiritually.  I was NOT equipped to handle anyone or anything else.  I recently spoke with a very good friend of mine and what I gather from our conversation is that she was hurt by the fact that I didn't let her know . .not necessarily the details of what was going on . .but the fact that I just dropped off the face of the earth without communicating it.  I had to really think about it because I definitely did not mean to cause hurt or harm . .I just didn't feel the need to explain anything is what I was thinking in the moment.  When the reality is that yes I could've just said . .hey I need some time to myself and I will be disappearing.  You know .. the courteous thing to do!  But again . .it didn't happen that way and I just needed that four letter word T.I.M.E.  After our discussion and me reassuring her that it had nothing to do with her or our friendship . .I felt Victorious Inspiring Prosperous (V.I.P). 

The first step in ANY recovery program is to identify AND accept there is a problem.  Until you do that . .you are pretty much stalled in everything you are trying to accomplish.  I had to do some real soul searching about who I was . .what I was and whose I was!!  I had to come to terms with the fact that the love I had for someone else was NOT the love I had for MYSELF!  There is no way in hell that you are able to love someone they way they think they should be loved until you can love yourself.  It wasn't unitl I identified this and accepted it that I was able to make the changes I have made so far!  I am Victorious Inspiring Prosperous (V.I.P.)

Victorious . . .yes this happened!  I celebrated going through the pain . .coming out of it with my peace of mind . . moving forward with my life no matter what was to happen.  I had to KNOW that I was NOT in control of anything that was to happen.  As much as I tried to HELP God out . .I was told this is NOT your battle...sit down and be still.  As challenging as this was for me .. I was obedient.  Then things began to fall into place!

Inspiring . . .through it all I was inspiring others along the way and didn't even know it.  I was telling my truth and showing them that you too can get through difficult times in life.  It may not be the exact same story . .but it's YOUR story and YOU have to be able to tell it.  My truth isn't the same as anyone else's because it's just that . .MY TRUTH.  We never know who is watching and how we inspire people just by being ourselves and being open to change.

Prosperous . . going through everything has been prosperous for me in every level of my life.  My relationship with others, my family, my friends, my sanity, my compassion and my self love!!  Because I have been prosperous in those areas . .God has blessed me to continue with my blog by acquiring enough consistent views that I can be paid.  Prosperous with opening other doors of opportunity for me with becoming a travel agent because HE knows I LOVE to 1) help people and 2) travel the world.  I have so much peace when I am traveling and seeing new people, places and things.  My biggest accomplishment of prosperity in all things is launching my Channeling Tequila #findyourhappy Mind ~ Body ~ Soul event!! This brings tears to me EVERY TIME I think about it's really happening.  I have for so very long wanted to do an event about self love and empowerment.  It was never the right time because guess what . . I wasn't V.I.P. yet!!  There had to go through some thangs to earn that status!!  So I could REALLY REALLY WALK the WALK and TALK the TALK!  I had to experience hurt in no other way, shape, form or fashion in order to appreciate my V.I.P. status.

I invite you all to to identify your V.I.P. status in order to #findyourhappy!!  Come out to the event and just DO YOU!!  I'm an open book and my truths are just out there.  It's Victorious . .Inspiring. .Prosperous!!


With Love

LR Wilson, Founder
FB: Channeling Tequila Page
IG: @channelingtequila

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