LAST CALL!! LAST CALL!! Yes this is exactly what it means . .LAST CALL!! In a bar or club setting LAST CALL means that anything you thought you wanted to get . .better happen right now because either the special is over or they are closing down. That's how I feel about taking on any stress, drama or inconveniences in my life . . LAST CALL!! I haven't always been this girl however! I use to not so much engage in stress, drama or inconveniences; however I did allow that in my life in order to appease others. To keep my OWN stress level down. Which as you may know . .caused just that . .STRESS!! I don't do stress, drama or inconveniences in my life any longer. It took me quite some time to get to this level of LAST CALL because I am someone that thrives on being positive, helping people and keeping everyone content.
The JOY of getting to LAST CALL in your life is you literally live a life of contentment!! I've always been someone who was content and confident in my job, my education and my non-romantic relationships. It's my romantic relationship that I was not always confident in. Not necessarily because either one of us did something wrong . .but because I felt like I would never be what he wanted me to be and always wanted to be better or do better. When in reality . .I was not being who I needed to be in order to gain the confidence I needed in the relationship. I am my own worse critic! So as a result of that relationship demise . .I vowed that this would be the LAST CALL. ANY relationship I enter, whether romantic or not . .I would be who I AM and NEED TO BE so people can take it or leave it.
LAST CALL on being what someone else thinks I should be in order to appease them and their lifestyle or situation. I have grown to say NOPE . .NOT HAPPENING! If it doesn't make me happy . .then I'm not doing it anymore! LAST CALL! Prior to this mentality I would do whatever; for whomever because I was putting their happiness before mine. I wanted to make sure everyone was ok with the decision that I would be there for them no matter the cost. YEAAAA . .THAT'S NO LONGER HAPPENING . .LAST CALL!
I love that I am the person I have grown into at 43.5 years old!! We live . .we learn . .LAST CALL! What is your LAST CALL moment? Is it a relationship? Is it drama? Is it finances? Is it low self-esteem? Is it overeating? Is it not exercising? Is it self worth? Only you know when it's LAST CALL for your life or situation. I can only relay my story. All of our LAST CALL moments will be different depending on our situation and our expectations of how we want to live our lives. I pray that my life journeys allow each one reading to get to the place of #findyourhappy. Make sure your LAST CALL is just that LAST CALL!!
With Love
LR WILSON, Founder
FB: Channeling Tequila Page
IG: @channelingtequila
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