Friday, February 16, 2018

To Forgive Or Not To Forgive . . .That Is The Question!

Let me start off by saying forgiveness is a VERY hard thing to do in any situation.  It takes practice, practice, practice if you truly want it to happen.  I say that because just like anything you want to master, you have to practice it over and over again until it's near perfection.  To Forgive or Not To Forgive. . .That Is The Question!  Well I'm here to answer that question for you today! Yes, emphatically YES I scream to you! Forgiveness is not for the other person, but for YOU!

Think back to a time when something was done to you by a person . .or multiple times . .let's just be honest . .you were sitting pissed off and they were living their lives like nothing ever happened! I'll give you a few moments to reflect on that . . . .ok move on now!  YES you were brewing and they were partying because 1) they may not have felt they did anything wrong; 2) they came to terms with whatever it was; 3) they moved on.  You, however, are still in a funk. . .unable to think straight or live your life because you have not forgiven the situation. To Forgive or Not To Forgive. . .That Is The Question!

In my life I have been both the perpetrator and the victim in forgiving.  I've done things to people and vice versa; however the real test was when I was the one in the forgiving position.  Obviously it's easier for the person who committed the act to move on much quicker than those they have hurt.  In order to forgive you have to be willing to move on.  When I say move on, I'm not talking about acting like the sh*t never happened; because it did happen!  Hold . .I need to digress for a moment!  I absolutely can NOT stand when people do things, forgiveness happens and then they act like it never happened.  NO . . it still happened . .the choice was made to forgive and move on . .not to forget it ever existed!  Whew . .ok  . .back to the blog!

Some say if you have not forgotten you have not forgiven.  I, for one, do not believe that.  You can still remember things that happened so that you learn lessons from it.  You don't; however have to continue to bring those things up. . . which then in my mind tells me that you have not forgiven.  Not vice versa.  It's like a sore . . .if you continually pull the scab off of it as it's getting well . . .it will not get well.  You have to leave it alone so that it heals and blends back into the skin.  Don't allow anyone to stunt your growth in forgiving others.  It's YOUR sanity . .not theirs.  You are able to live your life without regret when you FORGIVE!  Trust me . . I have been through this over and over again! 

To Forgive Or Not To Forgive . . .That Is The Question!  What will you forgive today so that you have freedom from guilt, shame or regret?  Just know that whatever it is . .IT'S FOR YOU . .NOT THEM!  To Forgive Or Not To Forgive . . .That Is The Question!


With Love
LR Wilson, Founder

IG: @channelingtequila
FB: Channeling Tequila page


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