Sunday, November 24, 2019

I'll Take Divine Connection for 1k, Alex!

I once believed that there is no way you can call someone your friend if you've never met them face to face. Well lo and behold my theory was proven wrong. I've been corresponding with a person over the past 3 or 4 years and we've never met face to face. We met while playing an online game. To be quite honest most of the guys I've conversed with through these game apps really trying to holla at ya! He was different.

Over the years we have had talks about life, financial freedom, God, health, relationships etc. We applaud and support each other as well as scold each other on health issues that aren't being addressed. We have a kindred divine connection. The kind where you don't know you have it until you have it. Not once has he stepped out of line with me. Although I tell him all the time that it takes alot to offend me, he's never been the one to cross the line and I respect that.

Everybody's energy is not good energy. I had to learn that as much as I try to help everyone and be there for everyone, I can't. I have to protect myself and the energy I invite into my life. When you meet a complete stranger and you vibe with them, it's magical. Not even sexual...just pure magical.

Why you ask? Well let me tell you! You are yourself in the raw. You don't have them there to analyze you physically because they only know what you tell them. Now let's be clear, some people will lie and be fake about who they are online. Hell some like that and you've met them! Sorry I digressed...
Anyway, as you get to know a person before meeting them, over years especially, you begin to be invited into their world. Your lives intertwine and bonds are made. Thus this friendship.

The next time you find yourself knowing someone you've never met better than the people you've met, that's quite amazing. Remember to play your cards close to the chest and always bet on black! Divine connections are placed in our lives to guide us as well as for us to guide them. You never know when you'll be chosen. So stay ready so you won't need to get ready.


With Love,

LR Wilson, Founder
FB: Channeling Tequila page
IG: @channelingtequila

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